Galax Planning Commission

Meeting Schedule

Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held at 6:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each month, when deemed necessary to meet by the Secretary. Meetings shall be held in the City Council Chambers on the second floor of the City Municipal Building, 111 East Grayson Street, Galax, VA 24333.

All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public, except that the Commission may hold closed meetings for the limited purposes allowed per the Code of VA ยง 2.2-3711. The Commission may from time to time hold public hearings as required by law, as well as on any matter which it deems to be in the public interest. Joint public hearings between the Commission and City Council may also be held related to ordinance amendments or other matters deemed necessary. The Commission may also meet for the purpose of holding work sessions.

During a Public Hearing, a citizen or group may address the Commission concerning that specific issue during the public comment period. These items are advertised, included in the agenda, and are regarding specific topics such as zoning matters, ordinance revisions, or plans and other matters concerning land use. Time permitted to speak shall be 3 minutes for an individual and 5 minutes for a group. No speaker or group may allocate their minutes to another speaker. The Commission, by unanimous consent, may extend such time as they deem necessary.

Agenda items are set by the Zoning Administrator and any matter may be carried over by the Commission as a future agenda item and a speaker or applicant may be invited back by the Commission then to further address the matter.


2023 Schedule

  • Thursday, May 25th โ€“ Joint Public Hearing at 6:00 PM
  • Monday, September 18th
  • Tuesday, October 17th
  • Thursday, October 19th โ€“ Joint Public Hearing at 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday, November 21st (if called)
  • Tuesday, December 19th (if called)