galax council meeting schedule

Citizen Comments, Public Comments, and Addressing Council

There is a time set in every meeting agenda for citizens to address council and it is designated as Hearing of Visitors. This time may be used by a citizen to address the City Council regarding any matter that is not an agenda item and over which the City Council has influence. The speaker shall state their name and the subject matter to which they wish to address council. The time permitted to speak shall be 3 minutes for an individual and 5 minutes for a group. No speaker or group may allocate their minutes to another speaker. City Council, by unanimous consent, may extend this time period if they deem necessary. This period should not be used to request specific City Council action at that meeting.

During a Public Hearing or Public Comment, a citizen or group may address Council concerning that specific issue during the public comment period. These items are typically advertised, included in the agenda, and are regarding specific topics such as zoning matters, ordinance revisions, budget matters, or other required public hearings as may be required from a grant funding agency or other state/federal agency. Time permitted to speak shall be 3 minutes for an individual and 5 minutes for a group. No speaker or group may allocate their minutes to another speaker. City Council, by unanimous consent, may extend such time as they deem necessary.

Agenda items are set by Council and are typically items that are specific to City operations. A citizen request to appear on the agenda is not typically granted and any citizen comments received by Council are during the Hearing of Visitors time period and/or during required public hearings. A matter may be carried over by Council as a future agenda item and the speaker may be invited back by Council then to further address the matter.

Meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. at the Galax Municipal Building, 111 East Grayson Street, in the Council Chamber area on the second floor.

2025 Schedule

  • January 13
  • February 10
  • March 17
  • April 14
  • May 12
  • June 09
  • July 14
  • August 11
  • September 08
  • October 06
  • November 10
  • December 08