The Animal Control Officer is dispatched through the Galax Police Department. If you have a concern about an animal please call 236-8101.
Dogs and cats are available for adoption at the shelter.
There is a $15.00 non-refundable adoption fee. State law requires that anyone adopting a shelter animal must have it sterilized. All forms needed to verify sterilization are available at the shelter.
License Information – New Dog and Cat Tags are now available in special shapes!! Call for more information.
Any person making application for a dog or cat license shall be required to present to the Director of Finance a certificate of rabies vaccination, properly executed and signed by a licensed veterinarian, certifying that the dog or cat has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions set forth. The certificate must show the date of inoculation, the rabies collar tag number, a brief description of the dog or cat, its sex (if known) and breed and owner thereof. The certificate must be presented before the license is issued.
The Director of Finance shall only have authority to license dogs or cats of resident owners or custodians who reside within the boundary limits of the city and may require information to this effect from any applicant.
Upon receipt of proper application and certificate of vaccination, the Director of Finance shall issue a license receipt for the amount of the fee, on which shall be recorded the name and address of the owner or custodian description of the animal, the date of payment, the year for which issued and the serial number of the tag, and deliver a metal license tag or plate which shall be provice4d for the purpose of uniform style and design and bearing a serial number identical to that shown on the license tax receipt.
On or before January 1, and not later than January 31 of each year, the owner of any dog or cat in the City four months old or older shall pay a license fee of ten dollars ($10.00) on each unneutered dog or cat, without regard to the sex of the dog or cat, and a license fee of five dollars ($5.00) on each neutered dog or cat, also without regard to the sex of the dog or cat.
Kennel permit fee is $40.00.
Number of Animals per Residence is Limited.
No single residence shall be allowed to purchase more than three dog or three cat licenses.
Leash Law
It shall be unlawful for the owner of animals to allow such animals to run at large at anytime within the City. An animal shall be deemed to run at large while roaming, running or self-hunting off the property of its owner or custodian and not under its owner’s or custodian’s immediate physical or voice control. Physical control shall include confinement of the animal by a fence, chain, leash or some other means of physical restraint.
- Make sure your dog or cat wears a collar with rabies tag, city license, or other identification tag on them at all times.
- Do not allow your pet to run at large
- When walking your pet, please clean up after them.
- Be respectful of your neighbors and keep your pet quiet. Remember, there are those who may be sick or work nights that will not appreciate your pet barking all day or night.
- Do not leave your pets in motor vehicles on hot days.
- If you lose a pet, check with the animal shelter as soon as possible.
- Make sure your animal has shade, food, and water in the summer and protection from the elements in the winter.
Galax-Carroll-Grayson Animal Shelter
Address: 200 Fair Street Galax, VA 24333
Phone: 276-236-8501
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 1-5pm
Friday and Saturday 1-4pm.
Closed Sunday and Monday