SCADA Radio System Upgrade

The City of Galax is seeking sealed proposals from qualified Firms to perform upgrades to the existing SCADA radio system. Respondents will be responsible for providing the engineering, system design, configuration, equipment, testing, training, and startup services...

Galax Grows Master Plan – Public Hearing

The City of Galax will hold a public hearing for the Downtown Galax Grows Master Plan to be presented by the City’s consultant team, Destination by Design on Monday, December 09, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 111 E. Grayson Street, Galax, VA. The...

Public Notice – City Council Committee & Board/Commission Meetings

The following public City Council Committee meetings or City Board/Commission meetings are planned for the following dates: Tourism/Downtown & Communications Committee:​Meets Quarterly in Jan., Apr., Jul., & Nov. 12th – Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m - First Floor Conf....

Snow Removal IFB

The City of Galax is seeking bids from qualified Contractors for on-call snow removal services and all the specifications described herein. This is for a contractual term of one (1) year, beginning on the date of award notice. Any term extension must be agreed in...


CITY OF GALAX ~PUBLIC NOTICE~ LEAF AND BRUSH COLLECTION Citizens are hereby advised that the City of Galax Public Works Department will collect leaves and small yard debris Dates may vary depending on conditions. Debris must be ready for pickup by 7am on Nov 18th....

City of Galax Public Notice of Taxes Due

Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills for the City of Galax have been mailed. Payments must be received or postmarked by December 5, 2024 in order to avoid penalty.

Request for Proposals: A/E Services for Rex Theater Revitalization

The City of Galax, Virginia is seeking architectural and engineering services in conjunction with a project to renovate the city-owned building at 113 East Grayson Street, Galax, Virginia, known as The Rex Theater. Architectural and engineering (A/E) design services...