The City of Galax is requesting sealed proposals for Group Medical, Rx, and Dental Coverage and related services for the city employees who elect such coverage.
Sealed proposals will be received in the Office of the Ms. Susan Carico, Human Resources Director, City of Galax, 111 E. Grayson St., Galax Va. 24333 until 1:00 p.m., Friday, March 15, 2024. Specifications for the above proposal will be available at the same office.
The Proposal opening date, name of proposal, and proposal number must be placed on front of the sealed envelope containing the proposal. No Bidder may withdraw their proposal within 60 days after the actual date of opening thereof.
It is the intent of the specifications neither to be proprietary nor to exclude any company or agent. Deviations will be given consideration if the deviations are considered to be suitable and acceptable for comparison and explained in detail.
The City of Galax shall provide the mechanism for the evaluation of all information submitted, the final determination of responsible offerors, and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals.